Cooperation between Democritus University of Thrace- Dpts. of Education Sciences in Early Childhood & Greek Philology (Coordinating/Receiving HEI), University of A Corufia, Spain, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania, Wood technology school Maribor, Higher Vocational College, Slovenia
As blingualism and multilingualism, both societal and individual, have become a norm in the contemporary world, it is essential that students in European universities are aware of the concepts and facts related to bilingual individuals and communities. Understanding what is entailed in living, communicating and working with bilingual/multilingual people,
raising and teaching bilingual children, gaining deeper knowledge of their own bilingualism as well as of its place in the public and economic domains are of prime importance for the sustainable education of young people, regardless of the major field of study they follow.
Hopefully, upon the completion of the BIP, they will be able to disseminate that new knowledge in their universities and communities by becoming ambassadors of bilingualism and multilingualism.
Bi-/Multilingualism: Facts and Fiction
Bilingualism and the brain: Myths and realityBecoming bi-/multilingual (raising/teaching a bilingual child)
Multilingual awareness/Multiculturalism/lntercultural understanding
Bilingualism in today’s world (occupational bilingualism/bilingualism in economy, IT, mass
media, tourism … )
We guarantee an enriching experience, with supplementary activities that delve/delving into Greek history and cultural customs. You will also have the opportunity to appreciate the stunning coastal scenery, indulge in authentic Greek cuisine and engage with the local community.
The event will be hosted on the campuses of Democritus University of Thrace in the Greek cities of Alexandroupolis and Komotini.
20 to 24 May, 2024